Campfire Guitar

Private Students & Performances

Boundless Sounds Student Videos
Boundless Sounds Student Videos

Lori and Lori Flute Duet

Darwin and Lori Blues trim
Sound Therapy

Career Highlights

What a thrill to perform in Astronaut Chris Hadfield's backup orchestra at the Bella Concert Hall on his 2016 Canadian Tour!

On stage with the Calgary Civic Symphony and over 100 singers performing Mahler's Symphony No. 2.

Hangin' with Smithers BC's Alex Cuba after his show with the Okanagan Symphony, April 2022. He found out on the way home from this gig that he won his first Grammy!

OSO friends!

Rehearsing in an unconventional orchestra formation for R. Murray Schafer's The Falcon's Trumpet (that's world-renowned trumpeter Guy Few up there!)

My happy place.

What an honour to perform on Ktunaxa Territory at the St. Eugene Resort in Cranbrook, formerly a residential school. We were welcomed by local drumming group, Eagle Spirit Bear. An elder from the group spoke about her family home across the creek that was within our view, and about how when she attended the school she was not allowed to go home. Tears were shed by many as she described progress towards reconciliation, and her pride in welcoming us to her beautiful homeland. A very humbling experience indeed.